Bar Nine Unlocks Machineless Cafés With World’s First Batched Espresso
December 06, 2023
Read Time
6 min

In 2019, LA-based café and roaster Bar Nine began developing a proprietary brew process as a direct replacement for espresso, delivered in batch form. The product, known today as Pure Espresso, allows any consumer or barista to deliver a consistently brewed shot of espresso without the use of any machine, just liquid poured from a refrigerated 750ml bottle. During the pandemic, the Culver City, CA café began dogfooding the product in all of its espresso drinks, and eventually started selling small bottles to customers to use at home. In late 2020, it opened a second location called Ten in the ground floor of a luxury apartment complex in Marina Del Rey with a catch– it would operate without any espresso machines. The focal point of the minimalist coffee bar was instead a simple steamer wand elegantly built-in to its granite countertop with its machinery quietly tucked underneath. Last week, founders Zayde Al-Naquib and Jereme Pitts were granted a patent for their method of batched espresso production and this week, they opened their third El Segundo, CA location Continuum in the ground floor of an office building home to tenants like Liquid I.V. and the FAA.

Bar Nine: Continuum in El Segundo, CA (Source: HNGRY)
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