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After eight years of operating in “stealth mode,” CloudKitchens’ parent City Storage Systems (CSS) is making a bigger push to get in front of restaurateurs at conferences like RestaurantSpaces, Global Restaurant Leadership Conference, and just yesterday, Food On Demand Conference. “I don’t speak often in public,” admitted an earnest CEO Travis Kalanick to a crowd of captive technologists and operators. “We built under the radar, we built a lot of stuff, it’s time for us to start telling our story.” Kalanick was introduced by Food On Demand’s Jared Pfeifer as the founder behind three major entities under the CSS umbrella: CloudKitchens’ physical ghost kitchens, Otter’s delivery aggregator/mission control system, and Lab37’s kitchen automation solution. Kalanick, who is most famous for co-founding Uber a decade and a half ago, said CSS aligns with his professional mission of “digitizing the physical world.” Just as Uber captured 13% of all miles driven in San Francisco, CSS’ portfolio of online ordering tools and global portfolio of ghost kitchen real estate aims to do the same with food. With just under 2% of 300bn meals served in the US last year originating from online channels last year, Kalanick and his team naturally want to create a system that allows bits to catch up to atoms– the so-called “Internet Food Court” where food is highly personalized, as cheap as buying groceries, and comes in 10-15 minutes.
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