Climate Optimist Brunch Showcases Fungi’s Versatility As Superfood Ingredient
September 11, 2024
Read Time
6 min

Despite investor frenzy over the past few years, fungi-based meat hasn’t played out the way many had hoped. After raising $365mm, Meati is now on its third CEO, Prime Roots has pivoted from whole cuts to deli Koji-Meats, and industry pioneer Quorn is venturing into blended meat products after nearly four decades. But Nature’s Fynd has taken a slow and steady approach to its line of fungi-based breakfast products over the past three years: meatless breakfast patties, dairy-free cream cheese, and dairy-free yogurt. Last year, the startup collaborated with Le Bernadin’s Eric Ripert on a line of dressings made with its proprietary Fy protein and more recently with celebrity chef Stephanie Izard on a Climate Optimist Brunch series that showcased the versatility of its products. Izard is the chef/owner of Girl & the Goat, Little Goat, Duck Duck Goat, and Cabra, and was the first female chef to win Top Chef in 2008. Last week, HNGRY was fortunate to attend one of the brunches in Downtown Los Angeles and witness guests’ reactions to the use of fungi in everyday dishes from empanadas to gazpachos and salads.

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