Cumulus Brings Barista-Style Cold Coffee & Espresso Into The Home
September 04, 2024
Read Time
5 min

When it comes to premium, convenient at-home coffee solutions there are fancy automatic espresso machines to $30 Moka Pots and Moccamasters for hot espresso and pour overs. But what about cold drinks? About 80% of all coffee cups are consumed at-home and ~75% of all Starbucks drinks are now iced. Last November, Cumulus emerged from stealth announcing a $20mm seed round from Maveron, Valor, and angels like Howard Schultz to bridge the gap between premium iced espresso and cold brew drinks, and at-home coffee consumption. The startup is founded and led by Mesh Gelman, a former Starbucks VP who most recently led the company’s moonshot innovation team responsible for partnerships with companies like Ember’s hot mug as well as local food brands for its curated snack program. HNGRY recently tried Cumulus at a pop-up and sat down this week with Gelman to talk about his vision to be the premium, vertically-integrated at-home cold coffee brand of the future.
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