How Low-Cost Store Fulfillment Centers Could Arm Grocers Against Instacart
April 16, 2024
Read Time
5 min

In today’s post-pandemic delivery environment, many vertically-integrated players have added or pivoted towards becoming B2B solutions due to growth challenges. Daily Harvest is exploring logistics-as-a-service as an ancillary revenue stream, Gopuff just launched its own D2C Storefronts product, and Getir may be calling it quits altogether in the US and Europe after it acquired FreshDirect from Ahold Delhaize last year. In Binyamina-Giv'at Ada, Israel, former online grocer Super Duper has also pivoted away from vertical integration towards a B2B solution for grocers as it recently rebranded to Finally, a small robotic Store Fulfillment Center (SFC) for grocers that costs a fraction of existing microfulfillment (MFC) or centralized fulfillment centers (CFCs).
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