Inside My Journey As An Ultrahuman Cyborg Tracking Metabolic Health
November 29, 2023
Read Time
7 min

Over the past week and a half I have become a cyborg, measuring my sleep, blood glucose levels, and movement using Ultrahuman, a real-time nutrition and fitness tracking ring. The four-year-old startup is based in Bangalore, India with over 100 employees and $25mm in funding. Whereas competitors like Oura only measure sleep and movement, Ultrahuman has grand ambitions of becoming an end-to-end metabolic health platform that encompasses nutrition, fitness, sleep, blood sugar, and most recently womenโs health. Metabolism is the process by which our bodies convert food into energy via glucose from fats and carbohydrates. It is tied to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and more, hence the rise of glucose tracking startups aimed at non-diabetics in recent years. Ultrahumanโs blood glucose component is powered by an integration with Abbottโs FreeStyle Libre continuous glucose monitor (CGM) whereby users scan the sensor multiple times throughout the day using the Ultrahuman app and log meals in exchange for insights into their diets and lifestyles.

Source: Ultrahuman
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